Greetings Dear Friends…from The Hope.
It’s a busy time here at the Mission of Hope and we\’re HAPPY for it. School is out and Summer has begun. The Hope Academy was AWESOME. And we have other MOH Church Team friends preparing to do their own \”Mountain Area Mission Trip\” to some of the rural areas we are so privileged to serve. And we are grateful for the recent donations of food, clothing, and hotel furniture which lets us help so many.
We are already in the midst of our Back To School preparations for this truly blessed MOH Program. This year, we\’re serving 27 rural Elementary Schools and over 11,500 children with NEW backpacks & school supplies. Our upcoming Chick-fil-A & Mission of Hope Golf Classic is almost FULL, and we\’re thankful. And remember, the proceeds will help pay for our Back To School deliveries.
We would truly welcome your volunteer support and encourage you to \”Jump On In\”. And we would be immensely grateful for your financial donations which let us do all we do every week. But we cherish your prayers most of all and are very appreciative and blessed by them.
I also want to offer a very special THANK YOU to all of our dedicated and hard-working Mission of Hope volunteers. They are indeed \”The True Heroes\” of The Hope. And a very special thank you as well to my Assistant\’s, Shirley Plant & Diane Webster for all of their hard work and commitment each and every week. Thanks for your friendship and for all you do to help us extend The Hope in so many ways.
Sincerest Regards;
Emmette Thompson, Executive Director – Mission of Hope