Easter Greetings
Dear Mission of Hope Friends
On that Day…On that dark and hopeless
and forlorn Friday, over 2,000 years ago; a large
teardrop fell to the ground from the eyes of God.
He was heartbroken…as He watched what was
being done to His Son. There was tremendous
anguish, weeping, and hopelessness…In the
hearts of all of those who knew Jesus.
But on Sunday morning…That incredible and
glorious and beautiful morning…There was
HOPE fulfilled. Christ had Risen and the tomb
was empty.
Thank you Father, that on Easter Morning;
we can celebrate The Greatest Miracle Of
All Time…The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior. May we be forever humbly
grateful that you taught us to give, by the
Greatest Gift Of All… The Gift Of Your Son.
From all of us here at the Mission of Hope, we
Wish you a Blessed and HOPE Filled Easter.
Sincerest Regards,
Emmette Thompson – Executive Director