Greetings…From The Hope;
A few weeks ago, I sent out the below e-mail message. It’s a very special moment for all of us here at The Hope. It’s when we have to actually exercise our faith and step out on the ledge of it. I feel without question that this is the most impacting and important Christmas Gift we will take this year and we feel it is indeed a privilege to take The Gospel where we go.
We have had several financial donations and still feel that God will touch the hearts of those who can bless us with their support. The 11,000 Bibles will be coming into the MOH within the next few weeks. If you feel led to support us with a donation we would be grateful.
Every now and then I get to have the privilege of sharing the importance of having faith…Now I need too.
From the depth of my heart I feel without question, that sharing the Gospel is indeed the Greatest Source of Hope we can ever take and give out. We have been blessed with the opportunity and privilege to do that over and over again. And I am so thankful that we can.
We recently located from a NEW Mission of Hope friend, a beautiful Colored Pictured Bible. It’s similar to ones we have purchased before, but I feel this Bible version and the size of it will perhaps lead to more use of it with a broader age group of children. And it will also be perfect for adults as well. I have actually been able to get to know the President of the Publishing Company and share with him the Mission of Hope story. And he has now become a very interested supporter. As such, he has offered us a very special purchase price for this wonderful Bible. I have now ordered 11,000 Bibles at a $4.00 cost per Bible. These beautiful Bibles would retail for well over $10.00 each.
So I did it…I had to \”Live my Faith\” by stepping out and trusting that God will touch the hearts of those who might deem us worthy of donations to pay for these. I must truly say it’s a whole lot easier to talk about stepping out on faith than actually doing so. If you feel led to help us with a donation we would be immensely grateful and appreciative of your support. We must continue to share His Word…Every chance and every place we can.
Thank you for your friendship & support and for all you do to help us extend True and Genuine HOPE.
Sincerest Regards;
Emmette Thompson, Executive Director – Mission of Hope