Greetings Mission of Hope Friends…
Pack the Bus was a HUGE success thanks to the incredible generosity of all who came out to donate and volunteer!! We collected enough Backpacks and School Supplies to fill 2 buses!
We can’t tell you how much these supplies will mean to our students at the 29 Elementary Schools and Mountain Ministry Centers where we serve in Rural Appalachia. Having our Students start the school year prepared sets them up for success!
MOH wishes to thank our media friends at WBIR, WIVK, The Knoxville News Sentinel, and the Farragut Press, that helped spread the word; Turkey Creek and Office Max for being an amazing host; Blaze Pizza and Sweet Frog for giving away treats; The Little Bus Company for providing the buses and delivering them to MOH; all of our MOH Volunteers; everyone who deemed MOH worthy of their time and donations; and Kiley Parker for creating and serving this event every year!
Thank you for Helping Us Extend The Hope!
Emmette Thompson
Executive Director
Mission of Hope