Thank You for once again blessing this Ministry with your Support! Today, Friday, December 10 is the last day of the MOH 2021 Cyber Barrel Christmas Drive. Through this Drive you have helped provide toys, warm coats, and other much-needed clothing to the Students we serve.

To view our online registries, scan the QR code or visit,

While the Cyber Collection ends today, we still welcome the delivery of New Toys, Clothing, Food, and Hygiene to our Warehouse through December. Please call our office at 865-584-7571 for more information.

We\’re making deliveries to the Schools and getting ready to bless the Ministry Centers in the areas we serve with the items they need for their communities. Your Generosity and Support make it possible for us to Share the Joy of Christmas!

Thank You For Your Prayers And Support…And For Continuing To Help Us Extend The HOPE!

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