Greetings, Dear Mission of Hope Friends;
We feel grateful for the opportunity to work with our dear friends at Remote Area Medical (RAM). They do an incredible job of assisting and serving those in rural communities in dire need of healthcare. For the past few years, we have been trying to help them in several ways. One of which is to help get the word out when they are doing a Healthcare Clinic in one of the rural Appalachian areas we serve as well. For those Mission of Hope friends & supporters who have healthcare experience and serve in the healthcare profession; this is yet another way they can assist the Mission of Hope as we strive to serve the poor and needy with the stress and pain of much needed healthcare assistance.
The RAM Healthcare Clinic in Grundy, VA will be held on Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, October 7th. It will be held at the Riverview Elementary & Middle School there. The healthcare services provided those days will be: dental, vision, and general medical.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must pre-register and be credentialed through the RAM Office. For more details on signing up to volunteer, please visit the RAM web-site at or call the RAM Office at 865-579-1530.
Please remember to keep this much needed healthcare event and all of those volunteers who serve there uplifted in prayer. And, pray for all of those who come there in horrible pain, that they be served and comforted and that they also know that God loves them…each and every one.
Thanks for your friendship and support and for all you do to help extend The HOPE…in so many ways.
Sincerest Regards;
Emmette Thompson, Executive Director – Mission of Hope